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Why is Vitamin D important and what are the sources of VIt D
Why is Vitamin D important and what are the sources of VIt D

By lets live on Apr 18, 2023

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for humans, as it supports numerous bodily functions, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Deficiency in Vitamin D can lead to a variety of health issues, such as rickets or osteoporosis. Fortunately, there are many sources of Vitamin D available such as sunlight exposure, certain foods like fatty fish and fortified dairy products, and Vitamin D supplements. By understanding the importance of Vitamin D and its various sources, you can ensure that you get the recommended daily amount to stay healthy.

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Why you should spend more time in nature
Why you should spend more time in nature

By lets live on Apr 15, 2023

Let's not deny reality. In today's society, much of our time is spent at work or online, doing things like browsing the internet, chatting, watching videos and movies, and other such activities. As we age, it gets harder and harder for everyone to find the time to organize a pleasant getaway outside of the city and truly spend time in nature. Even the small patches of greenery around us, like parks, are frequently forgotten.

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