Every cuisine around the world has a staple source of carbohydrates. Today, the most commonly used grains are wheat and rice in different forms. In North Indian cuisine Indian bread made with wheat are a staple, while in South India, rice is the staple grain with curries and other dishes.
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Hi friends. I am Dr.Pushpalata. Today I will be talking about millets. Millets have always been a staple food in India for more than 8,000 years. Further, India is the largest producer of millets. They are gluten-free and very nutritious. So it can be consumed by people with gluten sensitivity. Millets are rich in protein and carbohydrates so it makes for a very good energy booster. Not only do they regulate blood sugar but also help in weight loss. They are very rich in antioxidants and so help to lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Due to this, they reduce the risk of heart disease. Millets also help to prevent the risk of cancer.
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Millets are one of the best sources of complex carbohydrates, are high in fiber, and have numerous health benefits. Since whole grains contain a high amount of fiber and other bioactive substances, it is now well established that eating them regularly may aid in weight loss. Millets are also gluten-free grains and are suitable for all.
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New parents are always eager and anxious to find the perfect food for their babies once they start on solids. The best baby food is one that is not just tasty but easily digestible & nutritious with all the essential vitamins & minerals.
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Millets are grains belonging to a specific kind of tall grass. Millets are a great source of protein. a reliable source of fiber and a variety of crucial elements. They have a glycemic index (GI) score of 52.7, which is a medium value and lower than the values for rice, maize, and refined wheat flour.
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The world population is expected to reach a whopping 9.7 billion by 2050, and it is estimated that food production will have to increase by 70% to meet this demand. This is not an easy feat, considering that there are already many environmental concerns with our current food production system.
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In 2019, India in its capacity as the President of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, proposed to declare an International Year of Millets. India's proposal to the United Nations for an International Year of Millets is aimed at raising awareness on the nutritional importance of millets and their role in sustainable food production.
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In our previous blogs, we saw a plethora of advantages of eating millet. And without a shadow of a doubt, millets are healthy for our hearts, are rich in antioxidants, control our blood sugar, are gluten-free, help us lose weight, give us glowing skin, and shiny healthy hair – it is indeed a superfood. What is not to like, right? Yes and No.
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Heart or Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death amongst Indians. This is due to several factors ranging from our genetic makeup to our lack of physical activity or our notoriously poor diet composition. In this blog, we look at the options available to tackle this through healthy diet alternatives.
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The upcoming year 2023 has been declared as the International Year of Millets by United Nations. Greater attention needs to be paid to these powerhouses of nature. We, at Let’sLive are working tirelessly to]increase public awareness on the health benefits of millets. So, let us start by first understanding more about this superfood in our series of articles on health benefits of Millets
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Pregnancy is a very beautiful phase for any woman. For a new-to-be mother, an impending new baby with a cute little smile is what dreams are made of! The months of pregnancy is crucial since the mother is not eating just for her but also her baby. Good health of fetus is highly dependent on the diet of the mother. The nutritional content and how balanced determines the health of both the mother and the baby.
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Millets are a family of small-seeded grass varieties and are widely cultivated as a cereal crop or grains. These are fit for human and animal consumption and nourishment all over the world. The majority of the species that are commonly referred to as millets are members of the Paniceae tribe, but some millets are also members of other taxa.
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