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How to preserve and can foods properly?
How to preserve and can foods properly?

By lets live on Jul 18, 2023

Preserving and canning foods is a fantastic way to extend their shelf life and enjoy them even when they're out of season. The same flavors can be preserved intact and enjoyed throughout the year! Here are the basic steps to properly preserve and can foods

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Control Diabetes Without Medicine
Control Diabetes Without Medicine

By lets live on Jul 17, 2023

Controlling diabetes without medication is possible by making certain lifestyle changes. It is important to note that these strategies may not work for everyone, and it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diabetes treatment plan. However, the following tips can potentially help manage diabetes without medication:

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Hair Growth?
Can Coconut Oil Help with Hair Growth?

By lets live on Jul 16, 2023

Coconut oil has long been touted as a beneficial ingredient for hair growth. While there is limited scientific research specifically on coconut oil and hair growth, its properties make it a popular choice for improving hair health.

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How to maintain healthy diet when traveling?
How to maintain healthy diet when traveling?

By lets live on Jul 15, 2023

Maintaining a healthy diet while traveling can be challenging, but with some planning and smart choices, it is definitely possible. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with a healthy diet while traveling. You will thank yourself for being disciplined and making good food choices even on the road!

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How to reduce Food waste at Home?
How to reduce Food waste at Home?

By lets live on Jul 14, 2023

Reducing food waste at home is not only beneficial for the environment but also for your wallet. Wasting food is not only expensive but tends to set a wrong example to our next generation. Here are some effective strategies to help you minimize food waste

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Which variety of Sweetener is better than White sugar
Which variety of Sweetener is better than White sugar

By lets live on Jul 13, 2023

Several types of sugar are considered good alternatives to refined white sugar. These alternatives offer different flavors, nutritional profiles, and lower glycemic index values. Here are five types of sugar that can be used as alternatives:

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Is Traditional rice better than white rice
Is Traditional rice better than white rice

By lets live on Jul 12, 2023

The term "traditional rice" can refer to various types of rice that are native to specific regions. However, if you are referring to whole grain or brown rice as traditional rice, they are generally considered to be more nutritious and healthier compared to white rice. Traditional rice varieties like brown rice retain the bran and germ layers, which provide more fiber, vitamins, and minerals. White rice, on the other hand, has had those layers removed during processing, resulting in a loss of some nutrients. Therefore, traditional rice such as brown rice tends to be a better choice for overall health and nutrition.

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How does air quality impact our health
How does air quality impact our health

By lets live on Jun 29, 2023

Almost every living being on Earth breathes in some fashion, including plants and trees. Although everyone can breathe, not everyone can do so in a clean environment. Toxic substances are introduced into our atmosphere, the layer of gases that surrounds our planet, as a result of human activities and some natural causes. Our quality of life and health are at risk because of this air pollution.

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What are the common sleep disorders and how to manage them effectively
What are the common sleep disorders and how to manage them effectively

By lets live on Jun 29, 2023

For your health, getting a good night's sleep every night is crucial. In addition to lowering stress, having adequate good sleep also lowers your risk of developing serious illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, it elevates your mood, helps you think more clearly, and helps you concentrate.

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What is mindful eating and how is it beneficial
What is mindful eating and how is it beneficial

By lets live on Jun 28, 2023

Mindful eating is an approach to eating that focuses on being aware of your thoughts, feelings and sensations when it comes to food. It encourages us to be mindful of our food choices, and how we feel before, during and after a meal. Mindful eating can be incredibly beneficial for our physical and mental health as it helps us become more conscious about our dietary habits. It can help us make healthier choices and form better habits when it comes to nutrition, which can lead to long-term health benefits.

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What is mindful meditation
What is mindful meditation

By lets live on Jun 25, 2023

Numerous meditative practices have their roots in Eastern traditions, and meditation has a long history dating back thousands of years. The term "meditation" refers to several techniques that integrate the mind and body, calm the mind, and improve general well-being. Some forms of meditation require the practitioner to keep their attention fixed on a specific feeling, such as breathing, a sound, a picture, or a mantra, which is a word or phrase that is repeatedly repeated. The practice of mindfulness, which entails keeping attention or awareness of the present moment without passing judgment, is one of the other types of meditation.

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Tips to transition to a plant based diet
Tips to transition to a plant based diet

By lets live on Jun 24, 2023

A whole-food plant-based diet has all the benefits that make it the greatest option, and it is one of the fundamental components of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Because it is naturally rich in micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, plant-based protein, and unprocessed carbs, this diet is appropriate for people of all ages.

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