Monsoon Hair Care Tips
According to hair experts, the rainy season causes twice as much hair loss as any other season. The monsoon's high humidity and changing weather patterns are to blame for this untimely hair loss. When your hair can't tolerate that humidity level, it starts to behave strangely. The monsoon season's humidity damages all types of hair, whether you have thick or thin hair. Here are eight monsoon hair care suggestions to help you dance off your hair difficulties in the rain and don't stop you from enjoying the season!
Monsoon brings with it humidity due to which haircare becomes essential. Due to the high moisture content in the air, hair becomes frizzy, scratchy, and more likely to break, necessitating more care and attention. You can maintain the health of your hair during the monsoon with the information in this article.
Causes of Hair Fall in Rainy season:
Our hair's chemical composition is sensitive to hydrogen in the atmosphere. During the monsoon, the humidity rises, causing our hair to collect more hydrogen from the air. Our hair structure already contains keratin and water, so when this hydrogen combines with them, it creates new, much weaker links. Hair cuticles gradually swell up as a result of it, shattering the cuticle's outer covering. This causes hair to become frizzy, brittle, and wavy, which makes it more vulnerable to breakage and hair loss.
Importance of Monsoon Hair Care:
Even if you currently follow a hair care regimen, you might need to adjust it to deal with the monsoon humidity. Keeping your scalp clean is a vital defense against hair loss during the rainy season. This merely entails streamlining your hair care regimen rather than lengthening the time you spend shampooing. Oiling your hair more frequently will help prevent it from the damaging effects of the humidity in the air. By regularly oiling your hair, you can prevent seasonal shedding and strengthen the roots of your hair. You must try the classic oiling technique of massaging lukewarm oil into your scalp and hair. Hair loss and scalp itching are decreased by oiling.
Hair Care Tips for Monsoon:
- Oil your Hair:
Weekly or biweekly oiling is good for your scalp and hair. Exercise in moderation though, and massage gently.
- Healthy Diet:
A healthy diet should include whole grains, meals high in protein, fruits, vegetables, etc., as well as lots of liquids to keep your hair hydrated. Rest and sleep enough to prevent stress from accelerating hair loss.
- Do not comb wet hair:
When your hair is wet, never comb it. It weakens and makes the hair follicles more prone to losing their hair. Once it has dried, wait to brush it. Additionally, pick a wide-toothed comb to untangle your hair, especially one made of wood. To brush your hair, use a different comb. To avoid scalp infections, don't swap combs.
- Using Mild Shampoo:
If you believe that frequent shampooing can prevent hair loss during the rainy season, you are mistaken. Shampoos just dry out and irritate your scalp and hair. It is recommended to only wash your hair three times a week at most. And even then, make sure you're using a gentle shampoo. Using shampoos with chemical processing can be very harsh on your scalp and make it very dry. So be sure to use ayurvedic or organic shampoos at this time of year.
- Avoid Hair Tools:
Hairstyling tools can cause dandruff and make your scalp itchy, which can result in hair loss.
Know that it is just temporary if you have greater hair loss or abnormally dry, scratchy hair during the monsoon season. Maintaining hair and scalp health can be achieved by taking the necessary precautions and adhering to a monsoon-appropriate hair care routine.
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Let’sLive is a social empowerment enterprise committed to enhancing and improving the livelihoods of tribal and farming communities. We work directly with small-scale farmers so that our customers can get access to products that are natural, pristine, and picked from the lap of nature. We encourage and provide advice for practicing ethical farming and eco-friendly methods to all those who partner with us.
At Let'sLive we are passionate about bringing 100% all-natural and healthy products directly from the farming and tribal communities to your doorstep like Pure Raw Honey, Traditional varieties of rice, etc. We want our consumers to enjoy and have direct access to products that are pristine and picked directly from the lap of nature. The mandates by which we operate are:
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