The LET’S LIVE Story
It’s 2020, the first wave of COVID 19 just hit us. What a panic ? We just don’t know what is the deal. What is going to happen ? The future bleak and uncertain. The media has made enough noise to give their own numbers of people who would just not live to see another day. Panic, sadness, anxiety and every emotion that you can find in the book. But then what was causing deaths that this generation of humanity has never seen before?
This was a million dollar question. On looking closely, many of the people who were above seventy made it, but the age groups between 40 – 60 really struggled with infections leading to other complications and ultimately untimely demise. This made us look deeper into the lifestyle of people and their food habits. In general people who died in the early stages of COVID were suffering from some form of diseases like diabetes, blood pressure etc…
We had to do something. We couldn’t sit and watch this happening. This was one side of the story. On the other side, due to complete lockdown, the farmers’ couldn’t sell their produce. This caused enormous challenges in the survival process itself. So we decided to do something about it. That is how Let’sLive was born from the tumultuous year of 2020.
We started in our house
No venture capitalists, no consultants, no office, just friends. Eager and no knowledge of what we are going to embark on. We just took the plunge with no one having an idea of what it means to work in the field of agriculture and its produce. Even today, our ambitions are the sky, but still insecurities exist. After all we are also humans.
So what is great about our initiative?
Our whole purpose of starting this initiative was to provide a healthy, organically grown and naturally farmed products to customers. Our aim was too expensive.
We did not expect that what we were consuming on a daily basis was just soaked with pesticides and preservatives, yet tasty.
So where do I look for farmers’ that do not look at just profits but also committed to provide healthy food produce without artificial chemicals sprayed on them ?
This journey to find the right produce took us almost a year to create a complete map of produce >> farmers >> agriculture methods.
Traversing through the farmlands of South India
Even during the acute covid wave, we got ourself a travel pass from the government and clocked in more that 5000 kms in a matter of 1 month. Travelling through the vast landscape of southern Tamil Nadu to coursing through the hills of Nilgiris and Western Ghats, we did it all. We spent time with farmers, their families and understood their precarious situation. The covid situation just bought their agony to the forefront. So for farmers’ who were willing to make a course correction, we decided to provide them with easy to adopt methods to convert their land from in-organic cultivation to organic cultivation.
Our friend, who is an expert in agricultural methods, took it on to himself to provide the willing with necessary knowledge and give them a hands on training. It was not the technology but the mindset.
COVID did the work
The advent of 21st century saw huge breakthroughs in technology, lifestyle, communication etc.. But one area which was dented the most was the consciousness. We as humans defy all parameters of health and tend to follow what stimulates the taste buds. In this quest for tasty food, we left behind healthy food and started our journey into a treacherous path which now has led to 1/3rd of humans suffering from some form of diseases.
Although medical technology has provided us the best after care, it failed to prevent new chronic ailments which spring in dozens every decade and some of them very fatal as we saw with Covid.
But nevertheless, due to the sheer panic factor that COVID created, many humans started to take their diet very seriously. What different courses, seminars and awareness activities could not do, COVID just did it.
So this was the breakthrough. We decided to enter the arena of providing healthy food which have been cultivated using traditional country seeds. This preserves the DNA structure of the food and prevents the use of harmful chemical pesticides.
Our Mission
- Provide organic
- Non-gmo
- Naturally farmed foods
*If you have a body, you need to take care of it
We champion continual progress for our farmers by providing them with knowledge and know how of latest technology in agricultural field. This ensures that the food that is harvest is healthy and has all the necessary ingredients to provide us with the nourishment to live a healthy and disease free life.
Environment friendly packaging
At Let’sLive, we believe in collaborating with the right minds inside and outside of our community to make a positive impact in the world.
One of the major sore points of online shopping was the traces of garbage that it leaves behind with plastics almost contributing 80%. So we decided to innovate at our labs an effective alternative packaging to all our products which easily decompose after they are discarded. It is a continual process as we evolve more and more economically viable solutions. All our products are packed in re-usable containers which are housed inside a decomposable package. We use banana fiber to cushion our products thereby completely eliminating the need to use plastics.
To Conclude
Let’sLive is a social empowerment enterprise committed to enhancing and improving the livelihoods of tribal and farming communities. We work directly with small scale farmers so that our customers can get access to products that are natural, pristine and picked from the lap of nature. We encourage and provide advice for practicing ethical farming and eco-friendly methods to all those who partner with us.
At Let'sLive we are passionate about bringing in 100% all natural and healthy products directly from the farming and tribal communities to your doorstep like Pure Raw Honey, Traditional rices etc. We want our consumers to enjoy and have direct access to the products that are pristine and picked directly from the lap of nature. The mandates by which we operate are:
* Value every life around us by encouraging ethical farming
* Leverage local knowledge and promote legacy harvesting practices with high hygienic standards
* No preservatives or artificial processing on any of our products
* Each product can be tracked to its origins and the people involved in its making
* Educate consumers on the importance of consuming rich and natural local produce